The Egyptian Secrets Library.
South of Thebes
Esne (Esna) is about 35 miles south of Thebes. There are signs of an earlier temple at the site but the current structure was built in the Ptolemaic period. The modern town surrounds the temple.

Esne - Latopoli by Vivant Denon 1808

by Vivant Denon 1808

by David Roberts, 1838

by Weidenbach 1850

Menhit and Khnum, wall carving at Esna Temple,
Photo by Steve F E Cameron, CreativeCommons.

Columns at Esna Temple,
Photo by Steve F E Cameron, CreativeCommons.

Plan of Esna Temple
by Vivant Denon, 1808
El Kab

El Kab (Elethyia) is located about 50 miles south of Thebes.
Hierakonpolis is opposite on the West bank.
The area has been inhabited throughout Egyptian history.
Both images from La Description de l'Egypte, 1809.

El Kab is noted for the great wall of mud brick, 38 feet (12 meters) thick,
and over a mile in perimeter. The wall was built in the 30th Dynasty,
about the 4th century BC. Strangely, the wall was built outside the city.
Its' purpose is assumed to be defensive but that theory is unproven,
it seems much too large an area.
Lithograph by Ernst Weidenbach, 1845.

From the tomb of Sebeknekht, viceroy of El Kab,
by J. Tylor 1896.
19th century artists usually covered the gaps
time has made in Egyptian wall paintings.
Here the artist has copied as-is.

Medamout, near Thebes,
by David Roberts, 1838.

Sanctuary-El Kab Temple
La Description de l'Egypte, 1809.

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and 75 pages of architecture, art and mystery
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