
The Egyptian
Book of the Dead

The Papyrus of Ani, spell 17, British Museum.

Selections From
The Egyptian Book Of The Dead


A hymn of praise to Ra when he rises upon the horizon, and when he travels in the land of life.
Osiris, the scribe Ani says:
"Homage to thee, O Ra, when you rise you are adored by me when your beauties are before my eyes, and when your radiance- falls upon my body. You go forth to your setting in the Sektet boat with fair winds, and your heart is glad, the heart of the Mater boat rejoices. You stride over the heavens in peace, and all your foes are cast down. The never-resting stars sing hymns of praise unto you, and the stars which rest, and the stars which never fail glorify you as you sink to rest in the horizon of Manu, O you who are beautiful at morn and at eve, O lord who lives and are established, O my lord!

"Homage to You, O you who are Ra when you rise, and Tem when you set in beauty. You rise and shine on the back of your mother Nut, O you who are crowned king of the gods! Nut does homage to you, and everlasting and never-changing order embraces you at morn and at eve. You stride over the heaven, being glad of heart, and the Lake of Testes is content. Ra has a fair wind, the Sektet boat goes forth and sailing along it comes into port.

The gods of the south and of the north, of the west and of the east, praise you, O divine substance, from whom all forms of life come into being. You send forth the word, and the earth is flooded with silence, O only One, who dwelled in heaven before ever the earth and the mountains came into existence. O runner, O Lord, O only One, maker of things which are. You have fashioned the tongue of the company of the gods, you have produced whatsoever comes forth from the waters, and you spring up from them over the flooded land of the Lake of Horus.

Let me sniff the air which comes forth from your nostrils, and the north wind which comes forth from your mother Nut. O, make glorious my shining form khu, O Osiris, make divine my soul ba! You are worshipped in peace or in setting, O Lord of the gods. You are exalted by reason of your wondrous works. Shine with the rays of light upon my body day by day, upon me, Osiris the scribe, the teller of the divine offerings of all the gods.

The overseer of the granary of the lords of Abtu-Abydos--, the royal scribe in truth who loveth thee, Ani, victorious in peace."


From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 17

The chapter of Causing the Soul to be United to its Body in the Underworld.
The Osiris Ani, triumphant, says:
"Hail, god Anniu--the Bringer! Hail, god Pehrer--the Runner--, who dwells in thy hall! Hail, great God! Grant that my soul may come to me from wheresoever it may be. If it would tarry, let then my soul be brought to me from wherever it may be, for you shall find the Eye of Horus standing by you like those beings who are like Osiris, and who never lie down in death. Let not the Osiris Ani, triumphant, lie down in death among those who lie down in Annu, the land where souls are joined to their bodies even in thousands.

Let me have possession of my ba, and of my khu, and let me triumph in every place where it may be. Observe these things which I speak, for it has strength with it. Observe then, O ye divine guardians of heaven, my soul, wheresoever it may be. If it would tarry, make my soul look upon my body, for you shall find the Eye of Horus standing by you like those beings who are like Osiris.

"Hail, ye gods, who tow along the boat of the lord of millions of years, who bring it above the underworld and who make it travel over the world of day. Souls enter into their spiritual bodies whose hands are filled with your ropes. The boat of the sun be glad and the great God shall set out on his journey in peace. And behold, grant that the soul of Osiris Ani, triumphant, may come forth before the gods and that it may be triumphant along with you in the eastern part of the sky, to follow the daily path. May it have peace, peace in Amentet. May it look upon its material body, may it rest upon its spiritual body, and may its body neither perish nor suffer corruption forever."

(These words are to be said over an amulet of gold inlaid with precious stones and placed on the chest of Osiris.)

Pyramid Text from Abu Sir.


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 6

The chapter of not letting the soul of Nu, triumphant, be captive in the underworld.
He says: "Hail, you who are exalted! Hail you who are adored! O you mighty one of Souls, you divine Soul, you possessor of terrible power, who puts fear into the gods, you who are crowned upon the throne of majesty, I pray you to make a way for the ba, and for the khu, and the khaibit (shade) of the overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, and let him be provided for therewith. I am a perfect khu, and I have made my way to the place where dwell Ra and Hathor."

(If this chapter be known by the deceased he shall be able to transform himself into a khu provided--with his soul and with his shade in the underworld, and he shall never be held captive at any door in Amentet, in entering in or in coming out.)

The Papyrus of Ani, with his wife Tutu, spells 144, 145.
The original is in the British Museum.
This and most of the below images are probably from
a facsimile edition of the Papyrus of Ani
that was published in the late 19th century.


From the Papyrus of Nebseni, British Museum, No. 9,900, sheet 6

The chapter of opening the tomb of the soul and to the shade of Osiris.
The scribe Nebseni, the lord of reverence, born of the lady of the house, Mut-restha, triumphant, so that he may come forth by day and have dominion over his fleet.
He says: "That which was shut fast has been opened, that is to say, he that lay down in death has been opened. That which was open has been shut to my soul through the command of the Eye of Horus, which has strengthened me and which makes to stand fast the beauties which are upon the forehead of Ra, whose strides are long as he lifts up his legs in journeying. I have made for myself a way, my members are mighty and are strong.

I am Horus the avenger of his divine father. I am he who brings along his divine father, and who brings along his mother by means of his sceptre (?). The way shall be opened to him who has gained dominion over his feet, and he shall see the Great God in the Boat of Ra, when souls are counted at the bow, and when the years are also counted. Grant that the eye of Horus, which makes the adornments of light to be firm upon the forehead of Ra, may deliver my soul for me, and let there be darkness upon your faces, O ye who would hold fast Osiris.

Oh, keep not captive my soul, Oh, keep not ward over my shade, but let a way be opened for my soul and for my shade, and let them see the Great God in the shrine on the day of the judgment of souls. Let them recite the utterances of Osiris whose habitations are hidden, to those who guard the members of Osiris, and who keep ward over the Khus, and who hold captive the shades of the dead who would work evil against me, so that they shall not work evil against me.

May a way for your double Ka, along with you and along with your soul, be prepared by those who keep ward over the members of Osiris, and who hold captive the shades of the dead. Heaven shall not keep you, the earth shall not hold you captive, you shalt not have your being with the divine beings who make slaughter, but you shall have dominion over your legs, and you shall advance to your body straightway in the earth and to those who belong to the shrine and guard the members of Osiris."


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 7

The chapter of being nigh unto Thoth.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"I am he who sends forth terror in the powers of rain and thunder, and I ward off from the great divine lady the attacks of violence. I have smitten like the god of slaughter, and I have poured out libations of cool water like the god Ashu. I have made to flourish my knife along with the knife which is in the hand of Thoth in the powers of rain and thunder."


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheets 19 and 20

The chapter of being near to Thoth and of giving glory to a man in the underworld.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"I am the god Her-ab-maat, "he that is within his eye", and I have come to bring right and truth to Ra. I have made Suti to be at peace with me by means of offerings made to the god Aker, and to the Tesgeru deities, and by making reverence to Seb."

The following words are to be recited in the Sektet boat: "Hail, sceptre of Anubis, I have made the four Khus who are in the train of the lord of the universe to be at peace with me, and I am the lord of the fields through their decree. I am the divine father Bah, "god of the water flood", and I do away with the thirst of him that keeps ward over the Lakes. Behold me, then, O great gods of majesty who dwell among the Souls of Annu, for I am lifted up over you. I am the god Menkh, "Gracious One", who dwells among you.

I have cleansed my soul, O great god of majesty, set not before me the evil obstacles which issue from your mouth. Let not destruction come round about me, or upon me. I have made myself clean in the "Lake of making to be at peace", and in the "Lake of weighing in the balance", and I have bathed myself in Netert-utchat, which is under the holy sycamore tree of heaven. Behold, I am bathed, and I have triumphed over all mine enemies straightway who come forth and rise up against right and truth. I am right and true in earth. I have spoken with my mouth which is the power of the Lord, the Only one, Ra the mighty, who lives upon right and truth. Let not injury be inflicted upon me, but let me be clothed on the day of those who go forward to every good thing."

A water section of the Papyrus of Ani.
Careful copy by E A Wallis Budge.


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 9

The chapter of bringing along a boat in heaven.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"Hail to you, O Thoth who dwells in the northern heaven in the Great Lake, which is seen and which dies not. I have stood up over you when you rose like a god. I have seen you, and I have not lain down in death. I have stood over you, and I have risen like a god. I have cackled like a goose, and I have alighted like a hawk by the divine clouds and by the great dew. I have journeyed from the earth to heaven. The god Shu made me to stand up, the god of Light has made me to be vigorous by the two sides of the ladder, and the stars which never rest set me on my way and bring me away from slaughter.

I bring along with me the things which drive back calamities as I advance over the passage of the god Pen.

You come, how great are you, O god Pen! I have come from the Pool of Flame which is in the Sekhet-Sasa (the Field of Fire). You live in the Pool of Flame in Sekhet-Sasa, and I live upon the staff of the old god. Hail, thou god Kaa, who does bring those things which are in the boats. I stand up in the boat and I guide myself over the water. I have stood up in the boat and the god has guided me. I have stood up. I have spoken. I am master of the crops. I sail round about as I go forward, and the gates which are in Sekhem--Letopolis are opened to me, and fields are awarded to me in the city of Unni--Hermopolis, and laborers are given to me together with those of my own family."


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477 (sic), sheet 97

The chapter of protecting the boat of Ra.
"O you that cleave the water as you come forth from the stream. O Ra, who sits in your boat as you go forth to your station of yesterday. Join the Osiris, the overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, the perfect Khu, to your boatmen, and let your strength be his strength.

"Hail, Ra, in your name of Ra, if you pass by the eye of seven cubits, which has a pupil of three cubits, then verily do you strengthen the Osiris, Nu, triumphant, the perfect Khu. Let him be among your boatmen, and let your strength be his strength. Hail, Ra, in your name of Ra, if you pass by those who are overturned in death, then verily make the Osiris, Nu, triumphant, the perfect soul, to stand up upon his feet, and may your strength be his strength. Hail, Ra, in thy name of Ra, if the hidden things of the underworld are opened to you and you gratify the heart of your gods, then verily do you grant joy of heart unto the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, and let your strength be his strength. Your members, O Ra, are established by this Chapter."

This Chapter shall be recited over a bandlet of the fine linen of kings, upon which it has been written, which shall be laid upon the neck of the perfect Khu on the way of the burial. If this amulet be laid upon his neck he shall do everything which he desires to do, even like the gods. He shall join himself to the followers of Horus. He shall be established as a star face to face with Septet-Sothis. His corruptible body shall be as a god along with his kinsfolk forever. The goddess Menqet shall make plants to germinate upon his body. And the Majesty of the God Thoth lovingly shall make the light to rest upon his corruptible body at will, even as he did for the majesty of the King of the North and of the South, the god Osiris, triumphant.

Barque of Ra from the Book of Gates, tomb of Ramesses I.


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,177, sheet 28

The chapter of going into the boat of Ra.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"Hail, you Great God who are in your boat, bring me into your boat. I have come forward to your steps, let me be the director of your journeys and let me be among those who belong to you and who are among the stars which never rest.

The things which are an abomination to you and the things which are an abomination to me I will not eat, that which is an abomination to me is filth and I will not eat it. But sepulchral offerings and holy food will I eat, and I shall not be overthrown. I will not draw near to filth with my hands, and I will not walk on it with my sandals, because my bread is made of white barley, and my ale is made of red barley. Behold, the Sektet boat and the Atet boat have brought these things and have laid the gifts of the lands upon the altar of the Souls of Annu.

Hymns of praise be to you, O Ur-arit-s, as you travel through heaven! Let there be food for you, O dweller in the city of Teni, and when the dogs gather together let me not suffer harm. I have come, and I have delivered the god from the things which have been inflicted upon him, from the grievous sickness of the body, of the arm, and of the leg. I have come and I have given life to the body, I have bound up the arm, and I have made the leg to walk. I have entered the boat and I sail round about by the command of Ra."


From the Papyrus of Nebseni, British Museum, No. 9,900, sheet 17

..... O Unen-em-hetep, I have entered into you and my soul follows after me, and my divine food is in both my hands. O Lady of the two lands, who established my word whereby I remember and forget. I would live without injury, without any injury being done to me. Oh, grant to me, oh, do grant to me joy of heart. Bring me to be at peace, bind up my sinews and muscles, and bring me to receive the air.

O Un-em-hetep, Lady of the winds, I have entered into you and I have shown my face. Ra falls asleep, but I am awake. The goddess Hast is at the gate of heaven by night. Obstacles have been set before me, but I have gathered together what he has emitted.

I am in my city. O Nut-urt, I have entered into you and I have counted my harvest, and I go forward to Uakh. I am the bull enveloped in turquoise, the lord of the Field of the Bull, the lord of the divine speech of the goddess Septer--Sothis at her hours.


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 18

A chapter of knowing the souls of Pe.
The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"Hail, Khat, who dwells in Khat, in Anpet, and in the nome of Khat! Hail, you goddesses who dwell in the city of Pe, you celestial lands, you stars, and you divine beings who give cakes and ale. Do you know for what reason the city of Pe has been given to Horus? I, even I, know though you know it not.

Behold Ra gave the city to him in return for the injury in his eye. For Ra said to Horus, "Let me see what is coming to pass in your eye," and he looked. Then Ra said to Horus, "Look at that black pig," and he looked, and straightway an injury was done to his eye, namely, a mighty storm took place. Then said Horus unto Ra, "Verily, my eye seems as if it were an eye upon which Suti had inflicted a blow", and thus saying he lost his temper and raged.

Then said Ra to those gods, "Place him in his chamber, and he shall do well." Now, the black pig was Suti who had transformed himself, and it was he who had aimed the blow of fire which was in the eye of Horus. Then said Ra to those gods, "The pig is an abominable thing unto Horus. Oh, but he shall do well although the pig is an abomination to him.'

Then the company of the gods, who were among the divine followers of Horus when he existed in the form of his own child, said, "Let sacrifice be made to the gods of his bulls, and of his goats, and of his pigs." Now the father of Mesthi and Hapi is Horus.

Then said Horus to Ra, "Give me two divine brethren in the city of Pe and two divine brethren in the city of Nekhen, who have sprung from my body and who shall be with me in the guise of everlasting judges. Then shall the earth blossom and thunderclouds and rain be blotted out." And the name of Horus became 'Her-uatch-f', Prince of his emerald stone. I, even I, know the Souls of Pe, namely, Horus, Mesthi, and Hapi."


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 10

The chapter of making the transformation into a swallow.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"I am a swallow, I am a swallow. I am the scorpion, the daughter of Ra. Hail, ye gods, whose scent is sweet. Hail, ye gods, whose scent is sweet. I Hail Flame, which comes forth from the horizon! Hail, you who are in the city, I have brought the Warden of his Bright therein.

Oh, stretch out to me your hand so that I may be able to pass my days in the Pool of Double Fire, and let me advance with my message, for I have come with words to tell. Oh, open the doors to me and I will declare the things which have been seen by me. Horus has become the divine Prince of the Boat of the Sun, and to him has been given the throne of his divine father Osiris, and Set, that son of Nut, lies under the fetters which he had made for me.

I have made a computation of what is in the city of Sekhem, I have stretched out both my hands and arms at the word of Osiris. I have passed on to judgment, and I have come that I may speak, grant that I may pass on and declare my tidings. I enter in, I am judged, and I come forth worthy at the gate of Neb-er-tcher. I am pure at the great place of the passage of souls. I have done away with my sins. I have put away my offences, and I have destroyed the evil which clung to me on earth.

Hail, divine beings who guard the doors, make for me a way, for, behold, I am like you. I have come forth by day, I have journeyed on my legs, and I have gained the mastery over my footsteps before the God of Light. I know the hidden ways and the doors of the Sekhet-Aaru. I, even I, have come. I have overthrown my enemies upon earth, and yet my perishable body is in the grave."

If this chapter be known by the deceased he shall come forth by day, he shall not be turned back at any gate in the underworld, and he shall make his transformation into a swallow regularly and continually.


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 11

The chapter of making the transformation into a lotus.
The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, says:
"I am the pure Lotus which springs up from the divine splendor that belongs to the nostrils of Ra. I have made my way, and I follow on seeking for him who is Horus. I am the pure one who comes forth out of the Field."


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 10

The chapter of performing the transformation into a hawk of gold.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, says:
"I have risen, I have risen like a mighty hawk of gold that comes forth from his egg. I fly and I alight like the hawk which has a back four cubits wide, and wings like the mother-of-emerald of the south. I have come forth from the interior of the Sektet boat, and my heart has been brought to me from the mountain of the east. I have alighted upon the Atet boat, and those who were dwelling there have been brought to me, and they bowed low in paying homage to me and saluted me with cries of joy.

I have risen, I have gathered myself together like the beautiful hawk of gold, which has the head of a Bennu bird. Ra enters in day by day to listen to my words. I have taken my seat among those first-born gods of Nut. I am established, and the divine Sekhet-hetep is before me. I have eaten therein. I have become a khu therein. I have an abundance therein, as much as I desire. The god Nepra has given to me my throat, and I have gained the mastery over that which guards or belongs to my head."


From the Papyrus of Mes-em-neter, Naville, op. cit., Bd. I, Bl. 81

"I am the Fire god, the divine brother of the Fire god, and I am Osiris the brother of Isis. My divine son, together with his mother Isis, has avenged me on my enemies. My enemies have made every kind of evil, therefore their arms, and hands, and feet, have been fettered by reason of their wickedness which they have made upon me.

I am Osiris, the first-born of the divine womb, the first-born of the gods, and the heir of my father Osiris-Seb. I am Osiris, the lord of the heads that live, mighty of chest and powerful of back, with a phallus which goes to the remotest limits where men and women live.

I am Sah--Orion who travels over his domain and who journeys before the stars of heaven, which is the belly of my mother Nut. She conceived me through her love, and she gave birth to me because it was her will to do so.

I am Anpu--Anubis--on the day of the god Sepa. I am the Bull at the head of the meadow. I, even I, am Osiris who imprisoned his father together with his mother on the day of the great slaughter. His father is Seb, and his mother is Nut.

I am Horus, the first-born of Ra of the risings. I am Anpu--Anubis on the day of the god Sepa. I, even I, am the lord Tem. I am Osiris. Hail, divine first-born, who enters and speaks before the divine Scribe and Doorkeeper of Osiris, grant that I may come.

I have become a khu, I have been judged, I have become a divine being. I have come, and I have avenged my own body. I have taken up my seat by the divine birth-chamber of Osiris, and I have destroyed the sickness and suffering which were there.

I have become mighty, and I have become a divine being by the side of the birth-chamber of Osiris. I am brought forth with him, I renew my youth. I take possession of my two thighs which are in the place where is Osiris, and I open the mouth of the gods there. I take my seat by his side, and Thoth comes forth.

I am strengthened in heart with thousands of cakes upon the altars of my divine father, and with my beasts, and with my cattle, and with my red feathered fowl, and with my oxen, and with my geese, and with my ducks. I am strengthened with Horus, my Chieftain, and with the offerings which I make to Thoth, and with the sacrifices which I offer up to An-heri-ertaitsa."


From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 15

The chapter of bringing charm to Osiris Ani in the underworld.
He says: "I am Tem-Khepera, who brought himself into being upon the thigh of his divine mother. Those who are in the sky are made wolves, and those who are among the sovereign princes have become hyenas. Behold, I gather together the charm from every place where it is, and from every man with whom it is, swifter than greyhounds and quicker than light.

Hail, you who tows along the Makhent boat of Ra, the stays of your sails and of your rudder are taut in the wind as you sail the Pool of Fire in the underworld. Behold, you gather together the charm from every place where it is, and from every man with whom it is, swifter than greyhounds and quicker than light. The charm which created the forms of being from the divine mother. Which either created the gods or made them silent, and which gives the heat of fire to the gods.

Behold, the charm is given to me, from wherever it is, and from him with whom it is, swifter than greyhounds and quicker than light," or as others say "quicker than a shadow."

Opening of the Mouth.
Papyrus of the scribe Hunefer, 19th Dynasty,
British Museum.


In one of the tombs of the New Stone Age was found a flint instrument which, as we know from inscriptions of the dynastic period, was used in performing the ceremony of "opening the mouth" of the dead. Even in the Stone Age a ceremony was performed on the dead body with the purpose of assisting the soul, or spirit, to acquire the faculties and powers needed by it in the other world. In this ceremony the flint instrument was thrust between the teeth of the dead man, and when these were separated his spirit form was believed to acquire the power to eat and drink, to speak, to think, and to perform all the natural functions of the body.

The Chapter Of Opening The Mouth Of Osiris.
The scribe Ani, triumphant, says:
"May the good Ptah open my mouth, and may the god of my city loose the swathings, even the swathings which are over my mouth. Moreover, may Thoth, being filled and furnished with charm, come loose the bandages, even the bandages of Set which fetter my mouth. May the god Tem hurl them at those who would fetter me with them, and drive them back. May my mouth be opened, may my mouth be unclosed by Shu with his iron knife with which he opened the mouths of the gods. I am the goddess Sekhet, and I sit upon my place in the great wind of heaven. I am the great goddess Sah who dwells among the Souls of Annu--Heliopolis. Now as concerning every charm and all the words which may be spoken against me, may the gods resist them, and may each and every one of the company of the gods withstand them."


From the Papyrus of Nu, British Museum, No. 10,477, sheet 5

The chapter of making a man to possess memory in the underworld.
The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, the overseer of the palace, the son of the chief chancellor Amen-hetep, says:
"May my name be given to me in the Great House. May I remember my name in the House of Fire on the night of counting the years and of telling the number of the months. I am with the Divine One, and I sit on the eastern side of heaven. If any god whatsoever should advance toward me, let me be able to proclaim his name with certainty."


From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 15

The chapter of giving a heart to Osiris Ani in the underworld.
He says: "May my heart ah be with me in the House of Hearts! May my heart hat be with me in the House of Hearts! May my heart be with me, and may it rest there, or I shall not eat of the cakes of Osiris on the eastern side of the Lake of Flowers, neither shall I have a boat to go down the Nile, nor another to go up, nor shall I be able to sail down the Nile with thee.

May my mouth be given to me that I may speak, and my two legs to walk, and my two hands and arms to overthrow my foe. May the doors of heaven be opened to me. May Seb, the Prince of the gods, open wide his two jaws unto me, may he open my two eyes which are blindfolded. May he cause me to stretch apart my two legs which are bound together. May Anpu-Anubis make my thighs firm so that I may stand upon them.

May the goddess Sekhet make me to rise so that I may ascend to heaven, and may that be done which I command in the House of ka of Ptah--Memphis.

I understand with my heart. I have gained the mastery over my heart, I have gained the mastery over my two hands, I have gained the mastery over my legs, I have gained the power to do whatsoever my ka pleases. My soul shall not be fettered to my body at the gates of the underworld. I shall enter in peace and I shall come forth in peace."


From the Papyrus of Ani, British Museum, No. 10,470, sheet 20

A hymn of praise to Ra when he rises in the eastern part of heaven.
Those who are in his train rejoice, and lo! Osiris Ani, victorious says:
"Hail Disk, you lord of rays, who rises on the horizon day by day! Shine with your beams of light upon the face of Osiris Ani, who is victorious. He sings hymns of praise to you at dawn, and he makes you to set at evening with words of adoration. May the soul of Osiris Ani, the triumphant one, come forth with you into heaven, may he go forth in the Mater boat. May he come into port in the Sekter boat, and may he cleave his path among the never resting stars in the heavens."

The Papyrus of the scribe Hunefer, 19th Dynasty,
British Museum, photograph from EgyptArchive.


"Justified", "triumphant", "victorious" and "the Osiris" are ceremonial titles applied to deceased persons. "Justified" is not an exact rendering, but it is usual, and will serve.

Excerpted and edited from
The Wisdom of the Egyptians
by Brian Brown, published in 1923.

Papyrus of Ani, by Soutekh67, CreativeCommons.
This is the final section of the 73 foot long scroll.

Part 1
Commentary on
The Egyptian Book Of The Dead

by Prisse d'Avennes, 1878

Countless beautiful 19th century images of ancient Egypt
and 75 pages of architecture, art and mystery
are linked from the library page:

The Egyptian Secrets Library

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